You need user name, password, database name, and port number.
Here’s where you create a new connection. You need to configure an initial connection by clicking the Click here to create a new connection hyperlink. This is your launhed and started page. I uncheck the release notes because they don’t get read until there’s a problem. This is where you take a couple minute break. sql extension because I use another editor. You can change the destination folder or continue by clicking the Next button. Click the Anyone who uses the computer radio button if it isn’t preselected for you, and the Next button to continue. This is where you enter a user, which should auto fill for you. Click the I accept the license agreement radio button, and click the Next button to continue. On the Welcome to the Toad for MySQL Freeware Installation Wizard, click the Next button to continue.
Click the Run button to begin the install provided you’ve installed the prerequisite Microsoft. Download the Quest Toad for MySQL MSI file.The first thing you’ll need to do before installing it is to download and install if it isn’t already installed Microsoft. Since folks tell me they like step-by-step instructions, especially my students, here are the setup instructions for Toad for MySQL.
It’s quite powerful in letting you understand your data and MySQL’s SQL implementation. I think you should also take a look at Quest’s Toad for MySQL. Everybody is use to the Open Source MySQL tools like phpMyAdmin, et cetera.